Oxford County, Maine

Fees and Links

Document Recording Fees

Please provide a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to ensure accuracy in the return of your documents. Registry-specific mailing rates can be provided to you by calling the office, 207.743.6211.

First page - $22.00 ($19.00 plus $3.00 surcharge)

(Government and municipalities are exempt from surcharge)

Each additional page $2.00 per page

Names in excess of four to be indexed $1.00 per name (Please count all grantors, grantees, aka's, fka's trustees, dba's, and nominees)

Marginal references $13.00 each after the first one

Copy Fees

Standard Registry Copy - $1.00 per page

Attested Copy - $1.00 per page plus a $5.00 certification fee

Plan Copy - $5.00 per page

Website Copy - No charge for the first 500 pages per calendar year per person.


After the first 500 pages have been acquired in the calendar year the charge thereafter will be $.50 per page.

Transfer Tax

A tax of $2.20 per $500 in value (rounded up) imposed upon the sale, granting or transfer of real estate and any interest therein. The transfer tax is equally divided between the buyer and the seller, unless exempt pursuant to Title 36, �4641-C. An exemption from the transfer tax must be clearly stated on the Declaration of Value Form that must accompany the deed. You can go to the Maine Revenue Service Property Tax website (see link below) which provides information about Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration forms. A Transfer Tax Table is available to determine the amount of tax you may owe.

Requirements for Recording Documents

Name must be typed or printed below the signature line.

Corporate name must be typed at signature for indexing.

Must be the original document.

Must be acknowledged and notarized.

Deeds conveying property must include a transfer tax form, and pay tax, unless exempt.

Requirements for Recording Plans

Original plans must be recorded with a paper copy.

Plan Fees: - $24.00.

Plan Requirements: Minimum size - 11" X 17" Maximum size - 24" X 36"

Materials: For a plan dated before January 1, 2020, be drawn upon strong linen cloth or polyester film with archival photographic image or white 20-pound paper. For a plan dated on or after January 1, 2020, the plan must be submitted on white paper with a minimum weight of 20 pounds; Plans must be rolled for recording.

Seals: Be embossed, sealed or both, with the seal of an architect, professional engineer, or professional land surveyor.

Signature: Contain the signature and address of the person who prepared the plan.

Recording Information: Provide a minimum 3 inch by 3 inch space for recording the county, date, time, plan book and page or file number and register's attest.

Title: Provide a title block containing the name of the plan, the record owner's name and address, the location by street and town and the date of the plan.


Transfer Tax Declaration Tax form, Transfer Tax Tables, List of exemptions from paying transfer tax

Request to redact personal information form

Maine State Government

Informational links to the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government

Maine Probate Courts website

Search for documents, purchase documents and download forms

County of Oxford website